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Please enter
your login data
Access without logging in again
(Makes use of your Windows login)
Training of visitors
and contractors
You will have to take a training to enter the premises. For the next step please click
Enter your login here (normally, it will be your last name; if your name exists more than once in the system it will be a combination of your first and last name)

Enter your password here.

Keep this process confidential, as your password gives you access to your personal courses. Together with your login you assure that you work on your courses unaided.
This means that your password equals your personal signature!

Initial login
You will receive your access data from your superior for your initial login. To log in for the first time (or after having your password reset by your superior) you will have to enter the login and password you received from your superior. At the second step enter your personal password into the two textboxes (the same password twice). For future logins you will have to use your personal password - the primordial password is now invalid.

After clicking this button you will be logged out of the system. This can be done at any time, e.g. for operational reasons.
In case you forgot to logout or if you did not perform any actions for some time, the system will block your account after 20 minutes (protection from unauthorized access). You will have to login again to access the system.

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Please activate Cookies (at least session cookies) and JavaScript and reload this page or use a browser which supports StyleSheets!